The overall aim of Relevé Education & Training Consultancy

To effect and to offer consistent and reliable services appealing to Colleges, Training Providers, Local Authorities, the Third Sector and Prime Contractors on a range of services. To achieve this we will develop and establish lasting relationships with our clients.

Specific aims:

  1. To reduce the risk of non compliance at audit
  2. To increase the relationships between providers, maximising funding opportunities
  3. To support providers of publicly funded training in procuring funds through invitation to tenders (ITT’s)
  4. To support providers of publicly funded training with quality, systems and processes


  • To provide information and advice on audit compliance
  • To provide operational systems and processes for audit reducing potential clawback
  • To support providers through audits and Ofsted inspections improving minimum levels of performance (MLP’s)
  • To facilitate sustainability within the organisation on quality systems
  • To offer supported relationship brokerage
  • To provide a bid writing service securing funds from Europe and the UK
  • To provide providers of the Work Programme with support in their operational systems